Ezarri mosaics are the best choice for renovating a polyester swimming pool and transforming your favourite aquatic installation. And, you don’t need to make large investments or carry out extensive works. Ezarri´s solutions enable you to enjoy a new, completely personalised and modern swimming pool with no hassle.
Has your old polyester swimming pool reached the end of its life? Do you have to paint your swimming pool every year? Do you have osmosis issues in the polyester swimming pool? It’s time to renovate your polyester swimming pool. Swap paint for mosaics and take advantage of the huge range of colour combination possibilities in Ezarri´s collections.
Polyester or fibreglass pools have what’s called a gel coat paint finish. This paint deteriorates under the action of the sun, so the fibreglass swimming pool requires annual maintenance.
Another problem of the polyester or fibreglass swimming pools is the appearance of blisters in the fibre, called osmosis, because the fibre is not watertight to water vapour. Over the years, this vapour penetrates the material and forms blisters. It’s a common problem of the fibreglass swimming pools, and one which is difficult to solve.
Transform your polyester or fibreglass swimming pool into an aesthetically pleasing new pool with mosaics cladding. Give it a premium finish.
Choosing Ezarri mosaics gives you access to an impressive range of colours to replace the classic deep blue of fibreglass swimming pools with a design that meet your special preferences.
Install Ezarri mosaics in your polyester pool and the final result will give you a pleasant surprise? You’ll have a brand new swimming pool with your chosen design and colours, minus the huge expense.
Ezarri has more than ten years experience in the refurbishment of fibreglass swimming pools. Refurbishing your swimming pool is a simple and reliable process. All you have to do is choose the appropriate materials and the recommended tools. Follow this link to find out about the easy installation process on fibreglass and the tools recommended by Ezarri:
Your fibreglass swimming pool will not only change colour but will boast an enviable vitality.
The quality and end result of an Ezarri mosaic as well as the installation techniques have been proven by the Gaiker Technology Centre which researches and supplies technological and innovative services for businesses. Gaiker has certified that Ezarri´s solution for fibreglass swimming pool is both reliable and long-lasting.
Revitalise your fibreglass swimming pool and enjoy the results! Choose from thousands of design and colour possibilities in Ezarri´s mosaic collection.
Need more information on how to renovate your fibreglass swimming pool? Get in touch!
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