Ezarri is the only company that has special mosaic pieces. These are the Ezarri Cove and Corner pieces, specially designed for the optimal completion of steps in swimming pools and wellness spaces, as well as for bathrooms.
The result is spectacular, with the usual high quality that Ezarri offers, and provides a premium finish for your projects.
They are perfect for:
Finishing the corners of steps.
In any type of transition between flooring and vertical walls.
The entire collection of Cove and Corner special pieces from Ezarri is anti-slip. With the Safe Steps finish, Ezarri achieves excellent anti-slip properties, qualifying as class 3 according to DIN 51097 and R10 according to DIN 51130.
All the style references in the new 50 Collection are available in these new special mosaic pieces.
At Ezarri we have selected ten state-of-the-art style references with which to finish off your projects. They are part of the ZEN collection.
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