Discover hundreds of examples of both indoor and outdoor pools and decide which is your favourite colour. Whether you prefer bold or subtle designs, our collection of swimming pool mosaic tiles offers the ideal solution for any project. Choose the swimming pool mosaic tiles you like most!
See swimming pool galleryOne frequent question for anyone choosing swimming pool tiles is how the water´s colour will appear.
Discover what factors influence and what are the guidelines to choose your swimming pool mosaic tile.
Discover the different colors of waterExclusively designed by Ezarri to optimally and safely tap the edges of your pool’s steps.
The corner tile piece is an essential addition to any pool design, offering seamless transitions and aesthetic cohesion between surfaces. Designed for both durability and safety, this non-slip, mosaic corner tile ensures that every pool edge remains smooth, secure, and visually consistent. Its curved design complements the overall aesthetic while simplifying installation, providing a professional finish that fits perfectly with swimming pool mosaic tiles.
We give you the opportunity to design your own mosaic mix for your swimming pool. Combine our style references from different collections as you wish.
Whether you´re after a sleek, modern feel or a classic, timeless design, mosaic pool tiles can elevate your pool’s appearance while ensuring durability and ease of maintenance.
Custom designs in printed mosaic. It’s as simple as sending us the image you want to use to customise your pool and at Ezarri we will transfer it to the mosaic.
Mosaic pool tiles are the perfect choice for those looking to personalise their swimming pool design. With the flexibility to create custom patterns, images, or even logos, these tiles allow you to achieve a unique and luxurious look. Our range of swimming pool mosaic tiles comes in various colours, textures, and finishes, offering endless design possibilities.
In our catalogue you will find inspiration and all the necessary information to design your swimming pool with our range of mosaic tiles.
Download Pool & Home CatalogueIf you don´t know where to start, here is a selection of our outstanding projects where swimming pool mosaic tiles were used.
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