ezarri has taken yet another step in consolidating its commitment to the future. After creating our new image, logo and trade fair stand style, it´s now time to shape the rest of this transformation.
The process has been a leap into the future. It all began by revamping ezarri´s brand image. The next step was to refresh our messaging. Then came the launch of the ground-breaking Aquarelle collection. And now it´s time for the new ezarri Pool & Home catalogue.
ezarri presents a brand-new catalogue, yet another advance in leading-edge communication, helping to build the ezarri of the future – a revitalised ezarri as part of our comprehensive efforts to innovate.
The values presented in the new ezarri catalogue reflect our brand image, incorporating 3 key features which will have everyone rowing in the same direction and keep us competitive:
ezarri has stripped down with this new catalogue to bare it all. It’s a new way of telling our story, featuring fresh new photos and content. Quality must not only be tangible but also seen and felt.
The catalogue is the result of the ongoing process of change at ezarri. It is complete, versatile, and a perfect showcase for our entire range of products and collections.
In fact, the new catalogue already serves as ezarri´s general catalogue. The two previous catalogues, the Pool Catalogue, and the Deco Catalogue, have been combined in this unique new Pool & Home Catalogue.
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