The design of mosaic pools has evolved decisively in terms of materials, designs, colours, combinations, application techniques and formats. At Ezarri we have focused our efforts particularly on safety and finishing.
That’s why we have developed the Corner finishing piece. It represents a special contribution to the design of swimming pools, an innovation that is used for the steps and also as a finishing piece for the poolside.
The application of the Ezarri Corner finishing piece in the design of swimming pools results in complete satisfaction for both the installer and the customer. The reason is that the finish is exactly what is required in terms of both design and colours and safety.
Aesthetically it is virtually unbeatable. In addition to the extensive and varied Ezarri range of colours and their incredible combinations the Corner piece is offered in a further 16 colours. In this way, every pool can be designed to suit each customer.
In the pool design shown in the photographs you can see that the pool has been made with Ezarri mosaic and the Corner 05-A SAFE finishing piece.
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