When dealing with contract projects, the supplying company´s solutions must be up to par. At Ezarri, we have all the means, resources and tools to offer developers of major construction projects the best options in terms of their glass mosaic finishes and flooring needs.
Our ability to provide solutions is summarised in the three points that are key for these types of projects: a wide range of custom services, a broad product range and a vast experience.
At Ezarri we have a wide range of services specially designed for large projects:
In our catalogue you will find examples, completed projects and all the necessary information for your project.
Download Large Projects CatalogueHere is a selection of our outstanding projects
Yes, experience counts. Especially when it comes to big projects, when it comes to glass mosaic installations in which excellence is sought and unforeseen circumstances must be minimised to the greatest extent possible.
Luckily, at Ezarri, we have over 30 years' experience and hundreds of international projects in our portfolio.
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