ezarri presents its new catalogue of hotel projects around the world. This spectacular catalogue also features projects involving condominiums, wellness facilities, façades and even spectacular fountains.
The new Large Projects catalogue also includes a selection of case studies complete with detailed project descriptions and types of mosaics used to achieve exceptional finishes. This new catalogue is an excellent way to learn about the services ezarri can offer to take your project to a new level.
At ezarri we have a Large Projects Department where we recommend the best materials to use, suggest solutions adapted to the characteristics of each project, generate visuals and provide support both online and on-site. Discover our range of services and don´t hesitate to contact us!
This completely new catalogue showcases over 40 years of experience in international projects, making ezarri a benchmark in 100% recycled glass mosaic.
Don´t miss the opportunity to download the new catalogue now.
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