ezarri´s Iris Collection is now called Iridescent Collection
The new branding breathes new life into the collection while expanding its appeal. A change that reflects the importance it has for ezarri to continue improving, with a clear commitment to design. The quality and properties of the mosaic remain the same as always, supporting the success of all the projects in which it is used.
The references that make up the Iridescent Collection remain intact, both in its name and in its characteristic pearlescent finish, prized for its ability to reflect light and create an attractive visual effect in the pool.
Therefore, mosaics such as Perla, Azur, Nacar... continue in our catalogue, with the novelty that they are now available in 3 formats: 25, 36 and 50mm. Some of them also have a Safe (non-slip) version.
Iridescent Collection: get inspired!
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