INZU Group is an internationally recognised industrial group consisting of highly specialised companies from different sectors. Ezarri is a member of the INZU Group, together with twelve other companies across a range of sectors:
Talent and commitment are at the core of this group of companies geared to delivering an exceptional customer experience. Therefore, as part of the INZU Group we have made it our mission to work with our customers as partners: "Our commitment to total reliability is the best strategy for building customer loyalty."
Ezarri is part of INZU Group, an industrial group offering high value-added solutions and services in a range of sectors. And one of the keys is the Group´s global vision. With engineering and manufacturing facilities in the north of Spain, the INZU Group exports more than 90% of its turnover, with support from its global sales and service network.
But we all do it together guided by the same philosophy: "We want to be partners to our customers. We understand their needs, working together and supporting them with our products and services.
The aim is to strive for excellence in all areas. INZU Group is built on the talent and commitment of its workforce, with a constant focus on an exceptional customer experience.
A spirit of innovation is what drives this group of companies forward. Research and development are carried out on a permanent basis to meet the specific needs of customers, offering high value-added technological solutions.
EZARRI, S.A. como responsable del tratamiento, le informa que sus datos son recabados con la finalidad de contactar con el solicitante, atender sus consultas y peticiones y para envío de ofertas e información relacionada siempre con nuestra actividad. La base legal para el tratamiento de sus datos es el consentimiento del interesado al contactar con nuestra organización. Sus datos no se cederán a terceros salvo obligación legal. Cualquier persona tiene derecho a solicitar el acceso, rectificación, supresión, limitación del tratamiento, oposición o derecho a la portabilidad de sus datos personales, escribiéndonos a nuestra dirección arriba indicada, o enviando un correo electrónico a, indicando el derecho que desea ejercer. Puede obtener información adicional aquí.