Installing Ezarri mosaics requires a specific technique so we recommend following this brief guide that summarises the procedure in 8 steps
The surface must be smooth and flat.
As a general rule, Ezarri recommends the use of an adhesive with minimum characteristics of type C2TE, for concrete surfaces.
For installation on other surfaces you can consult us at
Spread the adhesive evenly with a 6mm notched trowel.
The manufacturer´s recommendations for use should be followed scrupulously.
Fit the panels using the exclusive Ezarri JointPoint® system ( and press down with a rubber float so that all the tiles are perfectly attached. To avoid scratching the mosaic, do not use a metal trowel.
Correct alignment errors and remove excess adhesive.
At Ezarri, we recommend the use of epoxy grouts classified as RG.
Coloured grouts that are well combined with the mosaic enhance the aesthetic possibilities and take full advantage of the numerous colours and effects. Ezarri always has a wide range of colours and effects in stock.
Apply the grout using the soft rubber float, removing any excess.
First clean with a special scouring pad to clean the epoxy joints.
This is followed by a second cleaning with a special sponge for epoxy joints.
Repeat this operation until confirming that the mosaic is clean.
At Ezarri we have both the scourer and the special sponge for epoxy that will make the cleaning task much easier.
Finally, allow the grout to dry.
Twenty-four hours after installation, we recommend cleaning with a post-construction cleaning product for a perfectly clean finish.
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