Ezarri is attending the Cersaie Exhibition as we do every year. There we will present the new products for the 2020 season as well as our entire catalogue with its wide variety of collections and solutions.
However, the 50 Collection will be the true star of the show for Ezarri at Cersaie 2019. It is especially suitable for covering interiors and swimming pools.
Cersaie is held from September 23 to 27. It is the most important international showcase of the Ceramic and Bathroom Sector, welcoming professionals from the five continents, including:
There we will give a breakdown of the keys to the 50 Collection as well as all the new products that will be part of the catalogue for the 2020 season.
Would you like to visit the Cersaie Exhibition? At Ezarri we have invitations that will enable you to attend. Write to us and we will provide you with the necessary invitations so that you can visit us at the Cersaie Exhibition.
To promote the 50 family we have selected ten style references from the ZEN collection. All of them are inspired by natural materials and have a matte and anti-slip finish that makes them ideal for the most elegant pools in harmony with the natural world.
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