The Gipuzkoa Chamber of Commerce hosted the Gipuzkoa Business Awards Ceremony on 24th March. In the 31st edition of the awards, the Gipuzkoa Chamber of Commerce named ezarri the 2023 Industrial SME of the Year.
The other award-winning companies in 2023 were:
This year´s awards prioritize the companies that have overcome significant challenges and have become generators of both wealth and employment in Gipuzkoa.
The award was accepted by José Ángel Muro, CEO of ezarri. Muro highlighted the company´s development and future challenges in a quickly changing international environment, adding that the award is the culmination of the tireless efforts over four decades of a dedicated team of individuals.
ezarri would like to share this award with all of you: customers, distributors, employees, shareholders. This recognition would not have been possible without your unwavering support, dedication, and loyalty.
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