With the fading out mosaics you can achieve original visual effects that provide an added extra in the decoration of any project where they are used, whether this involves swimming pools, spas, wellness facilities or interior design, etc.
Of course, since it is a special product, it has its peculiarities. In the following paragraphs we will tell you what you need to bear in mind for its correct use.
A fade-out is really a series of sections of mosaic which, when fitted one after the other, achieve the fading out effect. In Ezarri we have 5 fade-outs in stock and each is made up of 8 sections. These sections, placed one after the other, create the fading out effect.
The minimum order is a box of one of the sections that make up the fade-out. This box contains 1.08 m² of mosaic, consisting of: 7 panels of 31.2 x 49.5 cm. The 7 panels will be from the same section (i.e. they have the same composition) so that to create a fade-out it will be necessary to fit other sections after this in the right order. It is not mandatory to purchase all of the 8 sections; you can order 1, 2, 3, 4 or the number you require to cover the project space.
8 sections. Thus, each of the 5 Ezarri fade-outs is composed of 8 sections. Placing 1 panel from each of the 8 sections will give us the complete fade-out: 8 panels (one of each section) covering an area up to a height of 250 cm. If we want to cover a larger area, we will use some or all of the sections several times.
There are 3 main options:
We divide the length of the pool by 8, and in each area (both floor and walls) we install one of the eight sections of the Ezarri fade-outs.
We divide the height of the pool by 8, and in each area we install one of the eight sections of the Ezarri fade-outs.
From the centre of the pool working outwards, we distribute the 8 sections of the chosen fade-out, from the centre of the pool to the top of the walls.
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