Ezarri is the first glass mosaic company to obtain ISO 9001 Quality Certification, which recognises the maturity and efficiency of our environmental management system while at the same time confirming our commitment to a strategy of continuous improvement.
The Ezarri commitment
What's more, all manufacturing is undertaken at our facilities in Lazkao (Spain), meaning that we have full quality control over the materials supplied: quality controls when the glass to be used comes in, quality controls in terms of mosaic sizes and colours, and quality control of the finished product.
Ezarri can provide the quality certifications upon request (write to info@ezarri.com).
Ezarri is a company that is fully aware of the importance of environmental care and sustainable development
One hundred percent of the glass that we use as raw material is recycled glass.
We hold the ISO 14021 Product Environmental Certification, which guarantees that Ezarri has implemented a control system to ensure that 100% of the glass used is recycled and that at least 96% of Ezarri mosaics are made from recycled glass raw materials, with the remaining 4% being colouring and JointPoint® components.
Ezarri, subject to the terms and conditions provided herein, guarantees the purchaser that its glass mosaics are free from manufacturing defects.
EZARRI, S.A. como responsable del tratamiento, le informa que sus datos son recabados con la finalidad de contactar con el solicitante, atender sus consultas y peticiones y para envío de ofertas e información relacionada siempre con nuestra actividad. La base legal para el tratamiento de sus datos es el consentimiento del interesado al contactar con nuestra organización. Sus datos no se cederán a terceros salvo obligación legal. Cualquier persona tiene derecho a solicitar el acceso, rectificación, supresión, limitación del tratamiento, oposición o derecho a la portabilidad de sus datos personales, escribiéndonos a nuestra dirección arriba indicada, o enviando un correo electrónico a info@ezarri.com, indicando el derecho que desea ejercer. Puede obtener información adicional aquí.