A collection of soft, anti-slip textures, soothing shapes and a wide variety of matte tones that bring us and our spaces closer to nature.
Sustainable by nature, Aquarelle creates a spontaneous watercolour effect as the different colour tiles merge with water in a harmonious blend, both classic and contemporary.
And it all happens using 100% recycled glass aligned 100% with circular economy. Working sustainably for over four decades is proof of our deep and honest commitment to quality and respect at every turn in terms of products, raw materials, people and the environment.
The collection consists of 12 new references divided into four different tones. The graphics used are applied randomly on the tiles, creating original shapes unique to each space and person.
If you haven’t seen Aquarelle in person, no worries. You can download the complete collection here for a sneak preview of the sensations in the new collection.
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