When it comes to resurfacing, renovating, or decorating a swimming pool, the options for materials and designs are endless. Among all the possibilities, let´s explore the different types of pool mosaic tiles.
We also invite you to browse our catalogue at ezarri, where you will find a wide variety of mosaics with details about each product and its design.
Ready to dive into the world of pool tiles? Keep reading.
ezarri´s different types of mosaic tiles stand out in terms of quality and design. With a wide range of collections, you will find options for all tastes: from smooth and matte finishes to shiny ones with a metallic effect. Each collection offers a unique aesthetic.
The types of mosaic tiles can be classified by collection, colour, format, and non-slip properties.
1. By Collection:
2. By Format:
We currently offer square formats in 3 sizes:
New formats will be added to the Ezarri collections soon.
3. By Non-Slip Finish:
Ezarri´s Safe-Steps finish offers non-slip glass mosaics for safety in swimming pools, bathrooms, showers, spas, and wellness areas. It is a finish that can be found in many references in most collections.
In summary, ezarri´s different types of mosaic tiles not only guarantee durability and resistance, but also add a touch of style and sophistication to any aquatic environment. Explore the collections and dive into a world of possibilities to transform your pool into an oasis of beauty and fun.
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