Ezarri tiled the pools at the Hotel Savoy Palace in Funchal, the capital of the Madeira Islands, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. With its sixteen floors, the hotel welcomes its guests with comfort, luxury and relaxation, featuring a wellness area to die for, a wide variety of restaurants, and luxurious swimming pools. And Ezarri was the company chosen to clad the pools with colour and beauty.
The Savoy Palace is a five-star hotel with five hundred rooms and spectacular ocean views. Guests can also enjoy a series of gardens that combine innovation and contemporary design ? part of Ezarri´s DNA - and key to being chosen for this project.
The Savoy Palace in Funchal has several swimming pools for guests to enjoy:
This means that 1,350 square metres of Ezarri´s special combinations and designs were put into play. In addition, more than 360 m² of Custom Printed Mosaic completely cover the indoor wellness pool and waterfall. For the final bespoke touch, the hotel´s rooftop pools were decorated with Custom Printed Mosaics: a moon for the Skypool and a huge jacaranda tree for the VIP Lounge Pool.
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