A pool called Las Palmeras Borguede, in Xàbia (Alacant, Spain), clad with an Ezarri mosaic, has scooped an award at the Pool Design Awards 2020.
Piscine Global Europe is held in the French city of Lyon, and is not just another trade fair – this biennial event is hugely important in the European market. As a matter of fact, the Pool Design Awards 2020 were coveted by all businesses in the sector. These prizes bring recognition and showcase quality, beauty and a job well done.
The good news is that Ezarri won third prize for La plus belle petite piscine (The prettiest small pool) and for its quest for excellence and innovation in its pool called Las Palmeras Borguede in Xàbia (Alacant).
It was used the Ezarri Zafiro 3.6 x 3.6 mosaic to tile this marvellous pool itself and cream Valencian marble for the terraces.
Zafiro, from the Ezarri Iris collection, is an iridescent cobalt blue mosaic specially designed for cladding interiors, pools, spas, saunas and wellness spaces seeking a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere.
The pool is equipped with the automated Top Clean system which keeps the pool bottom in a perfect state of cleanliness. The filtration system uses activated glass to achieve better filtration quality and longer-lasting results.
The back massage jets are activated using stainless steel piezoelectric buttons, while LEDs provide colour variety and ensure minimal energy use.
Las Palmeras Borguede was created with an Ezarri mosaic by Gunitec in Xàbia (Alacant). This third prize makes Ezarri and Gunitec the only Spanish companies to have won such recognition.
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