Ezarri has helped to improve the already irresistible Pacuare Lodge by installing Phyllite, a mosaic for swimming pools, in its infinity pool. Pacuare Lodge is a luxury environmentally friendly hotel with only 20 suites. It is on the shores of one of the most picturesque white water wonders in the world, the Pacuare River of Costa Rica.
This is why Pacuare Lodge is a member of National Geographic Unique Lodges of the World. The hotel offers a wide variety of leisure activities. Outstanding among these, of course, are all the activities involving hiking and canyoning along the river, the discovery of idyllic waterfalls and rafting.
Not happy with these incomparable surroundings, at Pacuare Lodge they decided to build a swimming pool in this veritable Eden. It was to be a space that was sustainable and in tune with the rhythm of the virgin rainforest. This is where Ezarri came into the picture, bringing all of its technological capabilities and adaptability thanks to the different collections and its mosaic for swimming pools.
The hotel establishment opted for a new addition to its facilities: a spectacular infinity pool for the enjoyment of all its guests.
Regarding their decision, they explain that "following our own standards of sustainability, which ensure that the buildings that make up our hostel are integrated into the natural surroundings, the design, construction and operation of the pool all involve the least possible impact on the environment". The Ezarri mosaic for pools was therefore a complete success.
At Ezarri we have hundreds of style references and colours organised into mosaic collections. And we can offer an exhaustive range of combinations in order to respond to every possible need. In this case,
The hotel management chose an area without trees between the spa and the river suites for the location of the pool. Features to ensure sustainability include the fact that a mountain spring feeds the pool, which is treated with salt, to avoid the use of chlorine and other chemicals.
The hotel managers decided on the Phyllite style reference from the Ezarri ZEN collection of mosaics for swimming pools. This is a range of glass mosaics inspired by stone, marble and wood, with a naturally matte texture. And Phyllite itself is a matte mosaic in greys with a stone effect. It is an option which is particularly suitable for the lining of interiors, swimming pools, spas, saunas and wellness spaces. It is also a non-slip style reference, thanks to Safe Steps, the Ezarri non-slip system. This non-slip system for mosaics makes them safer, smoother and better for cleaning.
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