04 Jul 2019

The Ezarri Mix Generator: Now by Colour Too

The Ezarri Mix Generator by Colours is a powerful, innovative tool designed to test the effects of your custom mix. Its versatility and array of options ensure that every project bears the mark of its designer.

The new feature in the Mix Generator is the fact that you can now choose mosaics by colour shade. This new feature is already available on the website

Try the Mix Generator by Colours

An example of how it works could be:

  1. Click on the first icon, choose ‘Colour’, and select the %. 
  2. Do the same for the following three icons. 
  3. Generate the mosaic.
  4. Choose the joints and
  5. Enjoy the results. 

In addition, the Mix Generator by Colour allows you to see how your selection will look on a finished wall. And you can even print a sample and request a price quote.

In short, Ezarri is offering you a new way to use the mix generator. Play with colours and try out your design with an infinite number of combinations. Dare to discover the possibilities that the Ezarri collections bring. And find the perfect combination for your project.

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