Ezarri has cladded the bathrooms of a luxury home on Lake Macquarie in New South Wales, Australia, just north of Sydney.
Forest Nest is the embodiment of all that a home should be. The project was designed as a residence for a family with a newborn on the way, a functional sanctuary where the family can relax and enjoy life. But it is also a space where everything has its place.
The home was designed by St James Whitting and constructed by Zarrella Kitchens. Forest Nest was completed in collaboration with interior designer, artist and writer Kate St. James, and artist, interior designer, decorator, colour consultant and property stylist Catherine Whitting.
Naturally, a special design was created for the bathrooms. The clients selected Ezarri´s glass Cocktail Tomahawk mosaic tile, a combination of mosaic bathroom tiles with a brilliant reflective sheen. Ezarri´s Cocktail Collection is a blend of mosaics with different textures, sheens and effects, a selection that brings beauty, elegance and distinction to any project.
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