Ezarri would like to share the results of its customer satisfaction survey with you.
First, we’d like to thank everyone who took part. Your answers will help us to better understand your needs and keep improving.
The main goal of the survey was to understand how satisfied our customers are overall. It also took into account marketing material, the website and possible improvements that could be made.
35% of the businesses that were invited to take part did so.
Ezarri scored 9.02 on a scale of 0 to 10 for satisfaction.
When asked about the top-scoring aspects of Ezarri, customers rated customer service followed by product quality and delivery times.
Conversely, the 2 lowest-scoring aspects of Ezarri are the variety of shapes and price.
Interestingly, when customers were asked to select one reason why they buy from Ezarri, product quality was named in 64.9% of answers, followed by trust with 12.6%.
In this sense, we were delighted that when asked if they would recommend Ezarri as a mosaic supplier, 100% of customers surveyed said yes.
When asked specifically for their opinion of marketing material (folder, catalogues, displays, etc.), 87% of those surveyed ranked it good or very good. However, a few remarks were submitted regarding the amount of said material and on the lack of features geared towards architects, interior designers and landscapers. There was also a widespread request for photographs of all ranges fitted in pools, bathrooms and wellness centres.
Lastly, when asked about products that we weren’t able to supply, customers pointed to shapes other than square and smaller mosaics.
We’ll carefully consider all of your feedback for future developments. If you’d like to make a request or provide more information, please email us at info@ezarri.com.
EZARRI, S.A. als Verantwortlicher für die Datenverarbeitung informiert Sie darüber, dass Ihre Daten gesammelt werden, um mit dem Antragsteller in Kontakt zu treten, seine Anfragen zu beantworten und ihm Angebote und Informationen zukommen zu lassen, die immer mit unserer Tätigkeit zusammenhängen. Die Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten besteht in der Zustimmung der betroffenen Person bei der Kontaktierung unseres Unternehmens. Ihre Daten werden nicht an Dritte weitergegeben, sofern keine rechtliche Pflicht besteht. Jede Person ist berechtigt, Auskunft, Berichtigung, Einschränkung der Verarbeitung, Widerruf oder das Recht auf Portierung ihrer personenbezogenen Daten durch ein Schreiben an unsere weiter oben genannte Anschrift oder Senden einer E-Mail an info@ezarri.com zu beantragen. Darin ist das Recht anzugeben, das Sie ausüben möchten. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.