Custom Printed Mosaic

Your most original design made reality


Your most original design made reality. Customised printed mosaic creations. It’s as simple as sending us the image you want to use to customise your project and at Ezarri we will transfer it to the mosaic. 

The system is designed to faithfully reproduce the chosen images. The mosaic also retains all of its properties so you can fit it with complete confidence in all kinds of settings: swimming pools, spas, showers, kitchens, toilets, etc.

The result is an exclusive project to each customer’s taste.

Custom Printed Mosaic

A project in which the central rosette is created with a custom printed mosaic by Ezarri. The result is a personalised pool which really creates an impression.

Ezarri Custom Printed mosaic

On this occasion, it is on the floor of the jacuzzi, which is integrated into the pool and has been custom-made using a printed glass mosaic by Ezarri.

Ezarri Custom Printed mosaic

bathroom wall is given a personal touch with the custom print of a picture taken by the customer of the Wind Comb in San Sebastian.

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