08 Sep 2022

A great event for a great mosaic: Cersaie

Reach higher, expand, evolve, travel... meet ezarri´s Infinite Mosaic, larger mosaics that will spark your creativity and help you to create custom-tailored projects that start with a 50mm piece. These mosaics will be the star of our show at Cersaie, the most important event in the ceramic tile and bathroom furnishings sector, held in Bologna, Italy, from 26 to 30 September.

Visit us and discover our 100% recycled glass mosaics based on 100% circular economy, true to our commitment to people, natural resources, and the environment.

Mosaics that shape dreams await you at Cersaie.

You´ll find us at Hall 19 Stand B11
Write to us to confirm your attendance.

Reserve your invitation here:
Cersaie 2022 - Free ticket

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