04 Okt 2021

Cersaie 2021, coming back in style

Huge success presenting our new brand image and new AQUARELLE collection at the leading showroom for the Ceramic tile and Bathroom industry: Cersaie 2021.

At Ezarri we’ve kicked off the season with more enthusiasm and energy than ever. That’s what distribution professionals, architects and interior designers from around the world got to see at very busy trade show in Bologna this last week.

An exclusive presentation of all our products, with a very special star: the new Aquarelle collection. And all staged with the new Ezarri brand image, supported by a team of professionals and recycled glass tile enthusiasts that managed to attract more than 200 visitors to our stand.

To all of you – visitors, professionals, spectators, team ... THANK YOU for joining us another year. We hope to see you again very soon.

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