15 Mär 2022
Private Swimming Pools

Bali Stone for Swimming Pools

Bali Stone 50 mosaic from Ezarri´s Zen collection is the perfect tile for a Balinese style swimming pool. Bali Stone 50´s matte green 50 mm mosaic tiles give your pool the natural effect you´re looking for. The Bali Stone 50 mosaic evokes real Bali stone without the inconvenience.

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Disadvantages of natural Bali stone

The problems with Bali stone are evident. Bali stone in its natural state is not meant to be submerged in water. It is porous and sensitive to pool chemicals, which amounts to short-term maintenance issues – not to mention more complicated installation.

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Bali stone tiling for swimming pools

If want a cladding without the drawbacks of natural Bali stone, choose Bali Stone 50 glass mosaic tiles. Bali Stone 50 perfectly imitates real Bali stone without all the problems of maintenance and installation.

The natural colours of Bali Stone 50 mosaic are reminiscent of the rich mineral composition of real Bali stone.

The natural, green-veined matte of Bali Stone 50 mosaic gives your pool an organic look and feel, as if you were swimming in the Indian Sea.

Bali Stone 50 mosaic for that captivating natural beauty.

The extra-safe non-slip version, Bali Stone 50 Safe, is now also available.

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